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Because where you work matters!

Our Three Step
Career Counseling Process



Just like a GPS helps you navigate to a new location, your career coach helps you explore the path to a rewarding career.



Your coach is dedicated to helping you identify your strengths, overcome obstacles, and achieve your career goals.



Whether you’re just starting out, looking to advance, or seeking a career change, we can help you navigate the challenges and opportunities ahead with confidence.

Develop a career plan

Set short and long-term goals for your career and track your progress. Set Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART) goals to help guide your career development.

Address career-related challenges

Take the time to discover your career lifestyle and gain a better understanding of what you want and need from your career. Use that information to inform your career decisions and help find a role that is fulfilling and sustainable.

Enhance job search skills

Set a strategy to search for and land an interview with the right company, limiting both the time and emotional investment that searching for a job can bring.

Prepare for interviews

Prepare for common interview questions and go over key interview skills – dressing appropriately, making a good first impression, following up after an interview and the best way to negotiate. Practice asking questions that will provide insight into a company’s culture, values, and expectations and learn how to interpret the information that’s given.

Gain confidence

Avoid offer-acceptance remorse and make confident, informed decisions about your career. It’s important to take the time to evaluate all of the factors and make a decision that aligns with your goals and values.

What’s Your Ideal Career in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)?

The field of ABA offers diverse career paths, and this quiz will help you explore which is best for you!

Questions On How We Remove Barriers To Your Career Success?

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Real Lives, Real Impact:


Company Name

I have never felt so important to a recruiter or to a potential employer. Holli was down to earth, easy to talk to, and above all, you could really hear in her voice that she loves what she does, and the people that she works with actually legitimately matter to her. I wish all hiring experiences everywhere could be a bit more like what Holli was able to provide for me, but as far as I know, there is only one Holli Clauser.


Company Name

Holli is one of the most amazing recruiters I have come across. When I first met her, she was incredibly detail orientated and helped me determine what I was looking for in a job in the future, not just in my experiences or with the job at hand. I have never come across a recruiter that has done that. She was able to go to leadership and advocate for a position that wasn’t even created yet, because she was impressed by skill set. She was very supportive each step of the way. She is definitely the best recruiter I have come across!


Company Name

I am so excited about this opportunity and was able to negotiate and agree upon compensation that I don’t know that I would have had the confidence to do without your support. I also don’t know that I would have been able to identify what I wanted and needed from a new company and probably would have settled to some degree. While I feel very sad for my clients and the position they are in, I know without a doubt this is the best move for me and my family. I look forward to loving the field of behavior analysis again…. I was starting to lose some of that passion so it’s incredible to feel like I’ll be able to truly make a difference again. Thank you thank you thank you!